Pickup Games of New York: First Touch FC
Consistency is hard to come by in the world of NYC pickup soccer. Erratic start times, players flaking out, or some other activity occupying the field can all cause a game can go bust. Not First Touch FC. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday morning, anywhere from 20 to 60 players, depending on the season and the weather, gather at Bushwick Inlet Park in Williamsburg for an hour of hyper-organized footie. (In summer, the game moves to nearby McCarren Park.)
Credit Kyle McDonald, who founded First Touch FC in 2012, with the game's punctuality. “I've always just tried to keep it simple,” says the 38-year-old creative director and Michigan native, who moved to New York City a decade ago after living, skateboarding, and studying design in San Francisco. “People know to show up by 7:30 if they want a game. We count off the teams, pass out the pinnies, and go.” As promptly as play begins, it ends precisely an hour later with the shouting of "last play," good for ballers who have to hoof it to work.
Early on, the biggest challenge was fielding enough players. “I used to have to call around the night before and beg people to show up,” says Kyle. These days, First Touch FC has nearly 3,000 members on MeetUp, maybe 100 of whom can be counted on to show up at least once a week. A $3 game fee covers the cost of permits and equipment. On a bright morning, when the weather’s just right and schedules align, the numbers might be enough for three separate games.
As for skill level, the game's open-door policy results in a pretty wide range, from former Division I standouts and semi-pro internationals, to novices whose actual first touch of a soccer ball couldn't have been that long ago. This leads to the occasional lopsided match, but First Touch FC is usually fast-paced and competitive—besides being one of the most reliable pickups in town.