Ballers of New York: Dwane Maxwell
Note from Dan: The Second Half isn’t just my story. It’s also the story of people I meet along the way. Up first in this new series, one of my favorite ballers on and off the field, a man whose spiritual respect for the game is always a source of inspiration.
"Soccer for me is like praying. It’s a form of physical exercise, but there’s also this deep spiritual side. Just juggling the ball for a few minutes brings me closer to myself. It helps me align. At the same time, it’s very communal. As a Jamaican, soccer is the first sport you play, after running. I grew up in the same town as Usain Bolt, but it was always soccer for me. I first played with my dad, then later my uncles. I know that anywhere I go, I can communicate with people through the language of soccer. It breaks down social barriers. When I’m not playing, I’m trying to learn something new. Right now, I’m learning how to teach art full-time. My art is very connected to soccer. In college, I used to juggle the ball before class to focus my attention. It’s all about patience and attention to detail. That’s something I tell my kids when I’m coaching. How you are on the field is how you are in life."
—Bushwick, Brooklyn