Ballers of New York: Aderyn Wood


I first met Aderyn, or Adz, through the Sunday pickup she organizes in Brooklyn’s Parade Ground. It’s a chill, but competitive game. Speaking with Adz after a recent match, it's obvious why.

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"I like the psychology of soccer—I’m a psychoanalyst in training and I’m going for my PhD in International Psychology. You can learn so much about yourself and other players on the pitch. Having played my whole life, I can tell right away if a player has the chops, but more importantly, if they have the confidence in their ability to play the game effectively. If someone is angry or selfish or doesn’t know how to communicate, there’s no hiding the fact. When I’m out there, I always just try to stay in tune with my mental and physical state. It’s all about being present. The older I get, the more creative soccer becomes, especially at the pickup level. Temperament is just as important as skill. That’s what makes the game so interesting to me and why I’ll keep playing for as long as I can."
—Park Slope, Brooklyn     

Daniel DiClerico